Good leaders are good followers

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I can understand if a few will object. Rebels and revolutionaries have leaders too. By definition, they do not follow authorities. How can they be good followers?

But I won’t get there. Because for every rule, we can find few exceptions. As a rule, we can agree that good leaders are good followers. 

If you are an employee who wants to become a good leader, becoming a good follower is a practical step.

If you are a manager, you ought to find and develop good leaders who are good followers. 

What is a good leader?

A good leader has personality, courage, clear vision with ambition to succeed. A good leader encourages the team to perform to their optimum all the time and drives organisational success.

What is a good follower?

Some leaders consider a “yes” person a follower. Tyrants believe a million minions are “good followers” if they are willing to die for them. Tyrants do not see followers as leaders good enough to replace them. Therefore, they refused to be replaced.

Even in democratic countries, you have “followers” who patronize plundering politicians.

Do you know why the poorest municipalities do not build good leaders? Traditional politicians do not develop young people to become good leaders.

Tips for Leaders of Leaders

If you are a manager, consider yourself a leader of leaders. That will be a good start. You are responsible for developing good leaders who are good followers

How to Become Good Followers

Good leaders are good followers. They pursue what is the greater good every time. They do what they do because of clear understanding, not blind obedience.

So, how do you become a good follower?

You Must Be a Good Follower to Make a Good Leader

Leadership is a big deal in every corporate world – mostly good leadership. Regardless of your sector, the highest point of personal, professional, and career success is becoming a leader. Hence, a lot of personal desire and hard work is channeled towards getting to that height and becoming a good leader. Of course, those who get there are celebrated. How about the rest that didn’t make it?

That, however, constitutes a big problem. In reality, no one starts today and becomes a leader tomorrow. Even if the title “manager,” “director,” or “vice president” is attached to your name, it doesn’t make you a leader in the real sense. There are processes that need to be undergone before one can become a leader; that begins with being a good follower.

So much time is spent wondering how to attain the good leader status and no thought is given to followership, which is a vital attribute of becoming a leader. If truly we desire good leadership, then our attention and preoccupation must be changed from leadership in itself. In a nutshell, followers deserve greater praise and serve as the sole prerequisite of becoming a leader.

What are the qualities of a good follower?

Followership is the ability to accomplish goals under a leader’s direction. Successful followership involves following instructions, completing assigned tasks, supporting initiatives and being motivated. Good followers see the value in listening to others and helping achieve their vision.


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