Language Trends and Today’s Youth

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As soon as the Covid-19 spread around the world, lifestyles of everyone in this world had changed. We had to keep the distance when we went somewhere. The jobs also became work from home.  And also, traditional learning styles had to switch into online learning. Therefore, online learning became very popular during the pandemic and it helped many students to continue their study. When the students had to study on their on pace and didn’t need to go to schools or classes, they had more time to study and they became to learn new things which they interested by using applications like Zoom, Google Classroom and other platforms. Among them, many students tended to learn new languages. Besides English, they have been trying to learn Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Spanish, German and many other languages. 

As a result, learning new languages is becoming as a trend among youths. Learning new thing is good and beneficial but we need to know why we are learning new languages. So, before you start learning new languages, you need to consider the following points.

For the first one, Do you really interested in the language which you are going to learn? We need to think about this question very carefully. If we try to learn the language that we are not interested, we can face many difficulties while learning it. The higher the level is , the harder the usages are. If we want to master in one language, we must try to pass these obstacles. Only with perseverance , we can come over these hardships. 

The next point is, will it be useful in your future? Actually, it’s great to master more than one language even if we do not need them in our upcoming careers. However, language skills become essential in some fields of careers. If you are fluent in two or more foreign languages(also ethnic languages is a demand in some fields), you have more chances to gain new job concerning with language field.

And finally, do you really want to learn that language or are you learning because of someone? In some situation like parents want their children to learn new language as they see their friends’ children are speaking foreign languages fluently. Then they urge their children to learn the language which the children are not passionated. The children may feel depressed and stressed when they fall back in the class.

Learning languages is not an easy stuff and it can even more difficult when we are not enjoy our learning. Some of the youths are trying to attend language classes not only because of their parents but also because of their friends. It is normal among them but sometimes it can lead them to waste their time if they are not into their learning.

Another common point is that we might have seen in our surrounding is learning two new languages at the same time. This makes you feel a lot of pressures and you may have to struggle a lot when you start to learn two new languages at the same time. So, I would like to recommend to learn one language first and try to learn another language when the previous one is  at least in intermediate level. This can help effectively in your learning languages journey. 

To put in a nutshell, learning is valuable and advantageous in someway. On the other hand, do not try to learn trendy languages unless you are fond of it. Try to study something you really love and that can acquire you fulfillment. Sometimes we need to listen to our heart, they can lead to our true blissful lives.

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