AI and the future

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Have you ever thought that machines can have intelligence like us? Most people might think of it as science-fiction before but now it turns to reality. Due to the digital revolution, the technology sector has dramatically changed and in the late 1990s, the term ‘Artificial Intelligence’ has emerged. Actually, artificial intelligence(AI) is a program built with theories and systems to train machines to do tasks like human beings. These days, the influence of AI is getting bigger and bigger in every sector and computer scientists are trying to upgrade it to become AGI (Artificial General Intelligence) which is the AI level that is equal with humans in thinking and working. Therefore, AI will definitely change the future of every aspect especially in economics, health and education.

In the business sector, AI has tremendous potential for improving the way business organizations operate. Due to deep analytical skills of AI, business companies will accelerate their productivity and enhance workers’ capabilities. Accenture research (2017) shows that AI has the potential to increase profitability by an average of 38 percent by 2035 and boost labor productivity by up to 40 percent. Even now, some companies use AI as customer service providers to find the best match to every individual user and to boost customer experience. For instance, Facebook uses AI to know its users’ data such as their tastes, lifestyles, behaviors, interests and gives recommendations to fulfil customer needs. Moreover, AI will be the most essential assistant in finance in later centuries as AI can collect and synthesize a vast amount of data with less effort and time. Many business processes will also be automated using AI. The reduced cost, data-driven decisions and optimized operations of AI will lead the business world into a more effective and productive world.

Not only in the business world, AI will shape the future of health and healthcare and give an undeniable impact on healthcare services and medicines. To predict the diseases and produce therapies, AI will speed up the procedures by processing an enormous amount of data collection from the previous patients. In the future, scanning virtually a patient with AI will be able to check what exactly is his/her disease. Therefore, Kriwet (2020) mentioned that the more that AI is used in clinical practice, the more clinicians are growing to trust it to augment their skills in areas such as surgery and diagnosis. AI can also reshape clinical trials which are a mess when they are managed offline into easy and fast trials. This will enhance the outcomes of the patients. Undoubtedly, AI will bring a brighter future to the medical field.

Last, but not the least, AI will play an important role in the education system, mainly in online learning which is widely used since the Covid-19 situations. With AI, every student can make their learning anywhere and anytime. Let’s get a look at the Duolingo English Test. The proctor of this test is not a human, it is just an AI system. Moreover, Grammarly, which is the most popular AI feature between students to check the grammar patterns of students’ essays and thesis, is built with Natural Language Processing(NLP), one of the AI systems. Actually, they are minutiae of the benefits of AI. In the future, AI will assist students 24/7 to solve the questions and problems and will personalize teaching methods instead of waiting for their instructors and advisors which takes much time. By this way, students can improve their abilities with a high speed. AI will not only benefit the life of the students but also will give a great help for instructors and professors. AI will solve the problems which are time-consuming and repetitive tasks such as checking all students’ essays and deciding grade systems through automation of AI. In addition, with AI, they won’t need to worry about the exam security as AI is the best monitor to give the best security. In addition, robot learning will be popular among the kids. A robot will play, talk and learn with kids and will be both the best friend and instructor for kids. Whatever, there will be no doubt that AI will reshape the future of the education sector perfectly and dramatically.

To conclude, AI and human beings are inseparable, AI are here to assist humans and to enhance capabilities. Also in the future, AI will revolutionize the economics, health and education sectors to make a great world where people can have a lot of benefits. I believe that if AI is with our people, the world will be better and better, but we need to know that we should use AI in a positive way. ဗ

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