What is Enlightenment? And how are they involved in our daily lives?

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History says, Enlightenment, European intellectual movement of the 17th – 18th century in which ideas concerning God, reason, nature and man were blended into a worldview that inspired revolutionary developments in art, philosophy and politics. Before we talk about details of each section, let’s consider how we first came to understand Enlightenment.

What is Enlightenment?

Enlightenment is the occasioning from the mind of people. Having courage and understanding without direction from another is the motto of enlightenment. Many people want to live their lives under the guardians because it is easy and relaxed and there is less trouble in life. It can be difficult for some people who are always under the control of conservative families as they are not allowed to think freely. People who can cultivate their spirit and desire mind are always tend to be successful in life. On the other hand, it is achieving the enlightenment and the one who can penetrate among thoughtless things.

Freedom is the only thing that requires in enlightenment. There are many limitations on freedom and we should choose and use the freedom that will not harm to environments. A scholar has widespread freedom and can communicate to his public. He can also check and construct thoughts of many organizations and societies. Actually, he does not have power completely but he teach and think to others under the name of powerful societies such as God and churches. People cannot get freedom to think and perform because of their conservative descendants and some never know they have the rights to think without restrictions.

Now, we live in enlightenment age then we can use our own desires, living standard and religious factors confidently. We can eliminate the supervision from others and more able to act perfectly if we enlightened our attention.

Are We Getting Enlightenment?

People have freedom of thinking and shaping their dreams in their own ways. We should have the courage of understanding on our situations and dare to prompt without little by little. If we don’t have the courage or enthusiasm, our life will become indifferent and only external natural life lead us. Laziness is one of the reasons that we cannot improve and reflect ourselves. Moreover, cowardice is also the reasons because we become less in confidence and always walk on the wrong way even we know the method is not correct. Specifically, we cannot get enlightenment if we have the thoughts of laziness and cowardice.

Freedom is the only way to show the real situation and feeling of our mind and one of the best ways to get the point of enlightenment. If we are allowed to think without restriction, we can offer our thoughts and opinions and we will be more successful because people who know well how their desires and performing based on their own mind will get achievements more than others like people who are not permitted to think outside the box. People can get enlightenment only slowly and there are many restrictions when we are trying to get the enlightenment. However, we can eliminate rules and regulation if it does not give any harm to others and environments.

Scholars, pastors and political leader who have full freedom to communicate with people are always giving strong and selfish ideas to public and people also live under the order of such leaders because they always do many performance under the name of God. Furthermore, they know that people are afraid of God and it is one of their strengths to control the innocent mind of us. Many people do not have chances to think and freely because they must accept to their ancestors and nobody also dare to protest. That is the vital fact that we cannot get any enlightenment in our lives. If we live our live openly and reflectively, we can get the enlightenment and pass our lives better than others.


We should always reflect the inside of our mind and the real enthusiasms by attempting to get freedom from each of our daily sections.

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