How external entities can help nonviolence in Myanmar to be more successful in resisting against the coup: The Peace Game

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In the face of under the ruthless military regime for over a year, the people of Myanmar are resisting the oppressive regime in many ways. Other than domestically opposing the regime, foreign entities as individuals or groups are also helping Myanmar resist against the repressive regime, the coup. Ways include donating and charities, helping those threatened out of Myanmar for safety by accompanying them in safe places, and others. I’m grateful for their efforts to stand with the people of Myanmar who stand up to the coup. These days, I’ve been thinking of new ways that can challenge the coup and take the regime down without any violent ways. Today, I get this idea that what if there is a peace game that can play online which can take down the coup and then establish peace in nonviolence ways. 

From this article, I shout out to all game creators around the world to create a peace game. Here is my proposal of a peace game. I propose this game with the intention of taking down the coup in Myanmar and bringing peace in Myanmar. Thus, for the sake of Myanmar people who are killed and severely oppressed, please create this game.

The model of the peace game: 

  • Advanced AI: In sci-fi movies, there are science laboratories where AI robots examine the samples given by the scientist to find out which one of the samples works best in order to use in their projects. Like this, I imagine if the peace game has advanced AI to calculate the proposed ideas of the players whether they can achieve peace in what percentage. 
  • Role play: Whether it’s an individual player or a group, starting from individual level to national level to international level can play this game. The purpose is to calculate the result whether their proposed ideas can achieve peace in Myanmar or not. If they can achieve peace, they can implement their ideas in real. 
  • Role players: Main role players – civilians as in all ethnics of Myanmar, People’s Forces as in all armed forces against the coup, government as in NUG, and UN. Other role players – CDMers and non-CDMers, CDM soldiers and coup soldiers, and private sectors. External actors – INGOs, professionals, and any foreign individuals or groups. (I believe each entity plays an important role in the peace process. That’s why I include non-CDMers and coup soldiers)
  • How to win the game: players’ proposed ideas collectively or individually achieve peace with higher percentage only based on nonviolence without using any harm. 
  • How players can lose the game: if there’s any harm like use of force, arms and weaponries, the players lose (particularly if the player plays as from the coup side). However, if those who use arms are from People’s Forces, weaponries can be used only for self-defense or only it’s considered as moral and ethical. 
  • How to play the game: the plot includes main scenarios that can resist to the coup in nonviolence ways. That include hiding or rescuing those being targeted by the coup, helping CDMers, donating, or pursusing non-CDMers and coup soldiers to resist to the coup, initiating or organizing nonviolence movements, establishing enterprises, organizations or groups of nonviolence. All is to contribute to the fall of the coup, the rise of peace process or the establishment of people-elected government. 
  • When players lose the game, AI encourages them to consider nonviolence ways. If the player who lose the game plays as the coup supporter, AI guides to defer from the use of violent ways, tells them to have compassion, encourages them to stand with justice, and participate in nonviolence. 
  • Interaction: Players from the same group can interact with each other within the group while playing games. Individual players not affiliated with any group or separate groups can play independently. Overall, players not necessarily need to interact because AI is able to calculate the results of all possible scenarios that include the interactions with groups.
  • AI’s capabilities: AI is able to collect best proposed ideas from all players and show them as for knowledge sharing or when players want to know. 
  • Feedbacks: players are welcome to give any suggestions for upgrades of the game. The game will add possible or effective scenarios as much as possible. 

The best or most optimal proposed ideas should be given out to respective groups or release publicly so that the ideas can be implemented inclusively to bring peace in Myanmar. 

This game is the pilot to resist the coup of Myanmar by using nonviolence. After that, it should upgrade to the next level which is to achieve peace in Myanmar that is inclusive of all ethnicities. The game can be replicated for other countries like Ukraine which are resisting against Putin by changing the role players and scenarios according to the conditions.

If the game is a success, I’d humbly like to request some or part of the generated profit to be donated to Myanmar for contributions to peace. 


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