Top Smart Cities in the world

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Have you ever wondered what a smart city looks like and why they are called smart cities? According to the IESC cities in motion index 2020, these smart cities have nine dimensions considered key to truly smart and sustainable cities. Those are the economy, the environment, governance, human capital, international projection, mobility and transportation, social cohesion, technology, and urban planning.

Here are some of the top ranked smart cities in ascending order and all photos here belongs to Softskye.

Hong Kong

Hong Kong is a special administrative region of the People’s Republic of China. Through adopting the measures set out in the smart city blueprint for Hong Kong, the government strives to build the territory into a world class smart city. 


 Smart nation is the national effort of Singaporeans, businesses and government to support better living using technology by having smarter ideas apps and solutions.


The aim of Netherland’s capital, Amsterdam smart city initiative is sustainable economic growth, efficient use of natural resources and high quality of life. Areas of interest for developing projects ideas and new business models are smart housing, smart grids, home energy storage, open data, connectivity and smart mobility. 


The capital and largest city of Germany smart city Berlin has already set a distinct focus on the innovative fields of mobility, energy, technologies and healthcare as well as the cross-cutting fields of ICT and security. All of these have interfaces evidently offering a high potential for innovation.


Denmark’s capital, Copenhagen is famous for the intelligent use of wireless data from cell phones, GPS in buses and sensors in sewers and garbage cans assist the Copenhagen politicians in achieving the city’s objectives of reduced congestion air pollution and CO2 emissions.


In Japan’s capital, Tokyo, there are two key motives underpinning Japan smart city projects improving energy security and efficiency and showcasing advanced technology.


Paris is capital of France, and it is a major European city in a global centre for art, fashion, gastronomy and culture. The officials of the smart city government agree that mere collaboration between different public and private sectors will not be enough to create a sustainable tomorrow.

New York

New York is the most populous city in the United States. For New York, a precise definition of a smart city is and equitable city a city where anyone and everyone has access to facilities justly. New York is a city with lots of challenges opportunities and innovations the economic hub of the world is continuously engaged in digitising the city with smart innovations.


London is the capital and largest city of England in the United Kingdom. London has launched a set of initiatives called smarter London together. These initiatives aimed to make London the smartest city in the world. The project promotes user centred design, data sharing, connectivity digital leadership and skills and collaboration between public services in the private sector.

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