Should Myanmar Military have made a coup in 2021?

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Do you know what is Military Coup? A military coup or coup d’état is a sudden or violent overthrow of the existing government and taking control by force (Gutte, 2022), and especially, the Military should take over a coup only if it needs to be intervened in most countries. In actual fact, a Military should not seize a coup if it is not needed because the development of a country can be halted. However, in modern times, military coups are all over the world, and I have observed them myself. In our country, prime minister U Nu was overthrown in 1962 as a military coup, and General Ne Win took over, as a result, after the 1962 military coup, the university of Rangoon which Prime Minister of Singapore, Lee Kuan Yew studied worsened to no rank in Asia. Before the 2021 Military Coup, when the Military accused National League for Democracy (NLD) Party of being unscrupulous in the multi-party democratic general election in 2020, I did not think that the Military would do it until the coup. The first thing is uncertain reasons for the coup, the second thing nobody accepts when the coup is overthrown, and the last thing is that the subsequent aftermath of the coup is so terrible, these are why Myanmar Military should not be overthrown a coup in any way in 2021.

The first key why Myanmar Military should not have overthrown a coup in 2021 must be that there are no certain reasons for the coup. In the 2020 election, many parties including Union Solidarity and Development Party (USDP) lost, and National League for Democracy (NLD) party won all over the country. In my opinion, the 2020 election could be held in accordance with the law, and the foreign countries assumed the election was free and fair. However, supporters of the USDP have protested that the election is unsubstantiated, which was just an unproven accusation by the losing party, and was not sufficient justification for a Military Coup. But the military thought it was a coup opportunity, but the military overstated the small problem and it dishonors the military. Nevertheless, the cause of the military’s coup was unjustified, so the history of the Myanmar Military has been dark-stained, and it is necessary not to take over in 2021 because of unnecessary things for a coup, and the consequences after Military Coup will not be accepted by the people.

According to the result of the 2020 general election, there is no reason for a military coup and there is no doubt that people do not accept the Military Coup. Myanmar Protesters protested peacefully and ethically. However, after weeks of peaceful pro-democracy protests, the junta has begun cracking down on activists with lethal force (Nachemson, 2021), and the foreign countries did not accept the crackdown of the Myanmar Military. Not only foreign countries but also Ethnic Armed Organizations (EAOs) such as Arakan Army (AA), Karen National Union (KNU), and Kachin Independence Army (KIA) did not accept by directly or indirectly. When Committee Representing Pyidaungsu Hluttaw (CRPH) and National Unity Government became, the legitimacy of the Myanmar Military worsened over and over. Especially, people did not support Myanmar Military, and it faced the resistance of protesters, pressure from foreign countries, and the attacks of People Defense Forces (PDFs) and Ethnic Resistance Organizations (EROs) such as Karenni Nationalities Defense Force (KNDF), Karenni Army (KA), Chin National Front/Army (CNF/CNA) and Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA). Myanmar Military did more atrocities and violence against people such as firing on villages, killing unlawfully, and arresting those who are innocent to be that people support it because of fear. However, people have hated over and over, and the pieces of evidence of atrocities of Myanmar Military could not be that the foreign countries support Military Coup except some countries such as Russian Federation and China. In actual fact, if Myanmar Military did not make a Military Coup in 2021, people may love both the Myanmar Military and the leaders of the Military, however, because of the 2021 coup, it is certain that Myanmar Military was hated, and is being hated, and will be hated by the people.

On the other hand, Myanmar Military has done atrocities since the age of General Ne Win who is the first Military dictator of Myanmar. However, Myanmar’s people could not defend themselves against its atrocities, and Myanmar Military identified those who were against Myanmar Military as either rebels or terrorists. If so, people’s power was not well used at the time. However, even though there were Ethnic Armed Organizations (EROs) such as Karen National Union (KNU) and Kachin Independence Army (KIA) established with their abilities, the public’s participation was not much. Technological advances were delayed, and the People of Myanmar did not sympathize with the ethnics who had been persecuted by the military such as Rohingya and Arakanese (Rakhine) before the 2021 military coup. The military was able to interfere in the unity of Revolutionary forces and People in a variety of ways, so it was able to stand as an institution that did not collapse. It is undeniable that if the military did not take over, it was not easy for the public to know the true image of the army and that no one was trying to find out. Essentially, the military needs to be finalized in the spring revolution, and one of the aftermaths of the coup was a chance to root out the unethical Military which is so strong in weapon power, manpower, and military power, that it can be said that the Military Coup in 2021 benefited in some ways, if so, 2021 Military Coup should have made. 

Although the 2021 Military coup has a few advantages, it cannot be more than disadvantages such as atrocities on people other words firing villages, arresting and killing people, economic damage, and losing the unity of people, and it can be said that the military will be rooted out because of 2021 Military coup, but its subsequent sequences will be inflicted on the suffering of the people. The main thing is that the military has illegally arrested, tortured, and killed anti-coup opponents from the beginning of the coup to this day. According to AAPP documentation, at least (617) houses and buildings have been sealed off by Junta between February 2021 and May 2022 (AAPPB, 2022). The Military thought it would be calm and calm if it was brutally dismantled, but it did not happen in reality, so it was crueler and crueler to democratic activists. On the other hand, the People’s Defense Force is taking military action against military supporters. On that side, Union Solidarity and Development Party (USDP) remembered its party members who died supporting the coup of the Military by the USDP, which lost a vote in the election, and it reported that the opening of the monument was held at the USDP’s headquarters the morning of March 26, 2022 (Agency, 2022). In fact, only one of the military supporters die, and only one of the democratic forces die, and that is the death of one of the people of Myanmar. These effects have resulted in the loss of life because they oppose or support the military coup, and it is sure that a person who wants peace really does not enjoy the Military Coup which can give many bad consequences including the death of Myanmar People. Next, the economic damage is so important for a country that has peace and a normal situation. World Bank forecasts an 18% annual decline for Myanmar’s economy, and the poor economic outlook is being further weakened by collapsing consumer demand, which has been hit since Feb. 1 by reduced mobility, lower incomes and employment, logistics and transport constraints, and a reduction in new investment and new factory orders, the report of world bank said. (Robinson, 2021). As the military takes the lead in stabilizing power and authority, the economy will shrink even further, and the system is decided by a person who is a junta or a Military institution, but under the leadership of Daw Aung San Suu Kyi during the Covid-19 Pandemic period, the people collaborated with the Government of National League for Democracy, that is why the route to the economy in Myanmar was the opposite between Covid-19 pandemic and Military Coup. Last but not the least, Myanmar people cannot believe each other and cooperate on anything in other words did not have unity because of politics. Before the Military Coup, there is no argumentative topic, however, after Military Coup, there are two main groups Red supporters, in other words, democratic activists, and Green supporters, in other words, Military supporters. And how important unity is, to escape the British Colonialism, the Pinlon Agreement was released because Burmese and indigenous peoples needed cooperation in the mountains and the mainland. I think that the collapse of unity after such a coup will not work out in any way, whether the Spring Revolution wins or not in the future. Since 2021, Military leaders including Commander-in-chief Junta Min Aung Hlaing, Vice-Commander-in-chief Junta Soe Win, and Minister of Defense Ministry Junta General Mya Tun Oo should not have chosen a military coup that focused on the destruction of the country’s three important things: the lives of people, the economics of the country, and the unity of the people as the consequences of Military Coup.

To conclude, the 2021 military coup could be said to be an unprofitable action for both the military and the people. On the other hand, if Myanmar Military did not take over, Myanmar People would cancel the 2008 Constitution to escape military control in 2021-2025, and the NLD Government might establish a Federal Army including all EROs. But, now, Military leader Min Aung Hlaing is seen as an unethical leader because the military has acted inappropriately, and the military is an institution that everyone hates. And the military still thinks it is right, but it shows that the world does not give legitimacy to the military and does not accept a military coup. I do not know if the military knows it or not, but I am sure the military humiliates itself. Our people are suffering because the military carried out this coup in 2021, which should not be done. So, to win this spring revolution, the people have to do the clicking, donate to NUG and Local PDFs, protest in any way, and help the resistance forces, and it is sure that Myanmar Military will be repaid in the future because of its absurd action. In shortly and clearly, the 2021 Military Coup made the military look black for its history, and although it had happened in the past, if I could repair it, I want to prevent it more than I could from becoming a Military Coup which I assume that Myanmar Military should not have made, and it is sure that I did not accept, and am not accepting, and will not accept the 2021 Military Coup.

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