Should the rich support the poor?

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In the world, some countries are rich and some countries are poor. “In developing countries especially wealth is drained from the country, where a little investment would produce big increases in desperately need food production, and channeled into the cities where people who are often for better off put it to far less productive uses. (Lipton, 1977). Therefore, there is a gap between the rich and poor. “The livelihoods of the poor are determined predominantly by the context in which they live and the constraints and opportunities this location presents. This is because context economic, environmental, social and political loyalty determines the assets accessible to people, how they can use these, and thus their ability to obtain secure livelihoods”(Meikle, 2014). That’s why, for the poor who don’t have the chance to get opportunities, the rich who have chances and opportunities should help the poor.


Of course, the rich should not help the poor because the rich are trying their work as best as they can. They are always busy with their business; they are always busy with their business. They wake up early and they start their work while the poor are sleeping, While the rich are running on their way, the poor are wasting their time in a cafe shop. They are talking here and there in vain glory. Sometimes, they are playing games and participating in gambling. Therefore, there is a saying that the only difference between a poor man and a rich a rich man is what they do in their spare time. Of course, the rich and the poor want to be rich, in real life, they became different depends on their efforts. That’s why, “Rich people are committed to being rich. Poor people want to be rich. (T. Harv Elver) Poor people don’t make great effort in their work. There are many reasons for the rich people to become rich.

Among them, I would like to point out some of them. According to Rich@, they are

  1. The rich place a higher value on their time.
  2. The rich have assets and can put the assets and can put the assets to work.
  3. The rich have money and can buy unique or rare items which can appreciate faster.
  4. The fourth reason is that the rich have better investment opportunities.
  5. If you are rich, you have better financing Options.
  6. The rich have greater influence.
  7. The rich have better connection.
  8. The rich can leverage people to produce more output.
  9. The rich have more information.

Above mentioned are the results of the efforts of the rich people. They are worthy for them. That’s why; the rich are not responsible for the poor.


In human body, different parts of the body are composed to form a body. If one part of the organs is not done well, the whole body is suffered. In that way, the country is suffered when its citizens are poor. Because of the poverty, it can happen many riots, robbery and theft. Nowadays, Myanmar is suffering like that. People cannot go alone to the isolated places because of the afraid of robbery. Therefore the citizens are living in worry situation. They cannot go bravely because of the current situation.  Even though, the poor are working hard, they are under poverty. This is caused by the following facts. According to OCHA, they are

  1. Inequality and marginalization
  2. Conflict
  3. Hunger, malnutrition, and stunting
  4. Poor healthcare systems- especially for mothers and children
  5. Little or no access to clean water, sanitation and hygiene
  6. Climate change
  7. Lack of education
  8. Poor public works and infrastructure
  9. Lack of Government Support
  10. Lack of Jobs or livelihoods
  11. Lack of Reserves

Therefore, for the well- development of the country, the rich should support the poor. In that way, the country will be peaceful and it citizens will be happy and safety. If there is no gap between the rich and the poor, GDP of the country will be higher. In this way, the citizens will be rich and at the same time the country will be rich.  Therefore the rich should give a hand to the poor.

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